1° POSTO Anna Giulia Ceron, 3AL Pigafetta
4 nuits blanches pour rêver les yeux ouverts, 3 pour tomber amoureux, 2 pour se confier, 1 pour se réveiller: aube de seule illusion.
(Fëdor Dostoevskij, Notti bianche)
2° POSTO EX EQUO Enrico Peron, 5AII Rossi
The deadly game of reality steps aside to make room to a slaughterous online fight: kick your real life to the curb and let the farce begin!
(Okusho-Shizumu Watanabe, Real account)
2° POSTO EX AEQUO Andrea Deiaco. 4C3 Da Vinci Arzignano
Wenn du erfahren würdest, dass du nur eine Hälfte bist, würdest du nach der anderen suchen? Würdest du versuchen, ein Ganzes zu werden?
(Platone, Simposio)
4° POSTO EX AEQUO Beatrice Sellaro, 2AE Fogazzaro
Poor man in love with a rich girl spends the rest of his life to impress her, but he’s never good enough and dies utterly alone.
(F.S. Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby)
4° POSTO EX AEQUO Federica Zambrano, 1DLL Pigafetta
“R you ready? 3…2…1…liftoff! A lil prince without a castle, an aviator without his plane and a trip to the discovery of the emotions”.
(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry , Il Piccolo Principe)